8 Conlay @ Kuala Lumpur*

8 Conlay @ Kuala Lumpur*

8 Conlay, as part of KSK land group, stands for a 4-acre luxury mixed-use new real estate development to be opened in 2020, with the Kempinski 5-star hotel, 2 branded serviced residences towers designed by YOO and a distinctive retail space.

8 Conlay stands for modern contemporary living combining casual and luxury in tune with the young local professionals educated abroad and willing to get the best of western and local rich culture in the heart of the city.

The ambition is to design the 8 Conlay’s “iconic retail space” as a lifestyle retail quarter with a distinctive offer – innovative shopping experience using O2O retail format, F&B and introducing upcoming fashion brands to create new ideas and inspiration.

*Performed before 2017 within GoutenConsulting structure

