French Trade Advisors (CCE)

French Trade Advisors (CCE)

The CCE are French businessmen and women, chosen among the best-known executives in the import/export field, in France and abroad, and appointed by a decree signed by the French Prime Minister. The CCE represents a dynamic network of 4000 members.

In the Hong Kong chapter, nearly 50 CCE, with multi-disciplinary professional expertise, join forces to promote French companies and help them export better in the region, to support French start-ups in their expansion in the city and are even willing to coach and inspire young French graduates in their international career.

One of the key programs created within the CCE actions in HK is the conference and exhibition “So French So Innovative” developing a strong B2B environment to increase their awareness of French tech and innovative companies based in HK and help them expand their network and business in the region.
